ada orang tagged saya lah ! hehehhe :)
Salam 1 Malaysia...
ceh.. sebab bru tgok
brita pasal restren 1 msia... doki mmg
cepat tpengaruh!
actually, penattt nih..
n ngantuk.. @_@ ..... well, tp demi belog tchenta nih.. here we go! :)
Erm, kat sini doki nak
beterima kasih to cik farhah aries coz tagged me in 1 of her segments..
mashehhhhhhh... tapi ade RULES la, pape
pun jom main tag tag.. :)
rule #1 : u must post
this rules
the rules:
1. u must post these
2. each person must post
11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. answer the questions
the tagger set for u in their post and also create 11 new questions to people u
tagged to answer.
4. u have to choose 11
people to tag and LINK them to your post.
5. go to their post and
tell them that they have been tagged.
6. no tag back.
7. no stuff in the
tagging section about "u're tagged if u're reading this". u
legitimately (a.k.a trusted with honesty) have to tag 11 people.
rule #2 : 11 things bout
myself... isk. lyan je la~
* nama penuh doki ialah
Siti Muliyana Binti Ahmadi.
* birth day pada 28 Dis
2011.. (hahahha thun adalah rahsia ) :P
* ade fb.. bley tgok kt
blog doki ye...
* dulu study kat uitm
* amik course kira2 ..
hik3.. accounting la~
* igt nak sambung blajar
lagi... wat master lak.. doa2 tuk doki ye~
* doki da kje.. kat KL
huhuhu da tuer.. T_T
* doki suke makan..
* doki juga suke wat
outdoor.. tp xminat men sukan.. sorak2 bley la :)
* doki sangat2 suke
online n men game... hari2 pon xpew...
* last skali... huh!
doki xtau nk merapu ape lagi... hahahha
next, rule #3... so cik farhah aries, sy hrap u puas ati ngan jwapan doki ye :)
1. nama paling kelakar
orang lain pernah panggil ?
cengeng... given by my senior... naseb nme
tu xkekal.. huhhh lega~
2. out of 5 stars, blog
ni layak dapat berapa ? hee
10 stars!! hehehee
3. mana jumpa blog yang
tak berapa cantik ni ? hehe
bw kut... hik3
4. suka makan macam saya
tak ? kenapa ?
suke33x... lgi suke kalu free :)
5. make up or natural ?
i like natural makeup..
6. any positif komen for
my blog ? hehe
nti doki fikir ye~
7. selalu kena ulcer kat
mulut tak ? :(
x... sbab suke mnum air kut
8. who is your first
love ? name he/she.
MR F..... tettttt
9. short-distance love /
long-distance love ?
10. sneaker / wedges /
pump shoes ?
pump shoes
11. perempuan banyak
cakap. korang suka tak ?
doki xkesah... lyan jer.. (sebab doki pon
kekadang kecoh jugak!)
so, skrg giliran doki
nak bertanye pulak! siap sedia ye semua... ^0^
1. ape/sempena ape name
belog korang nih?
2. sebab utame korang
wat belog?
3. sape yg yg korang
paling2 nak jumpe?
4. ape komen korang
tentang blog doki nih?
5. mase lapang suke wat
6. suke x tengok cermin
7. suke x bace novel?
8. ape lagu fevret
9. kalu mase boleh
diundur.. korang nak wat ape?
10. antara choc n
strwberry ape korang pilih?
11. ape rase korang kene
tag2 camnih?
finally da siap pon !
jawab jangan tak jawab yeee.
err, nk tag siapa pulak
ni ye. hehe. jom kita lihat siapa yang kena ! :P